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Opera Seme Video Gallery

2024 Season

Videos from Opera Seme 2024 Season coming soon! Scroll to view videos from previous seasons, and be sure to subscribe to our Youtube Channel to receive notifications when we upload new videos.

2023 Season

Opera Scenes 2023
Suor Angelica - Puccini - 2023

Teatro Petrarca

Giulio Cesare - Händel - 2023
Cast 2 performance

Teatro Vasariano

Giulio Cesare - Händel - 2023
Cast 1 performance

Teatro Vasariano

Broadway Jazz Concert 2023
Teatro Petrarca

2022 Season

Opera Arias & Scenes 2022
Spazio Seme

La finta giardiniera - Mozart - 2022
Seminario Vescovile

Mese mariano - Giordano - 2022
Chiesa della Badia di Arezzo

Promos & More

Interview with Blythe Gaissert

Interview with Mario Cassi

Opera Seme Festival 2024 Trailer

Interview with Gianni Bruschi

Interview with Gianni Santucci

Opera Seme Festival 2024 Teletruria Promo

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